Al Jazeera has once again proven its willingness to spread blatant disinformation in its relentless crusade against Israel.

In a Saturday post on X, Al Jazeera falsely posted a poll claiming that 47% of Israelis support sexual assaults on Arab prisoners. It was presented with a poorly doctored graphic purportedly from Israel’s Channel 12.

While the exact origin of this vile propaganda remains unclear, its rapid dissemination through anti-Israel social media circles speaks volumes about the eagerness of Israel’s detractors to believe and spread even the most outlandish lies. Perhaps most disturbing is the willingness of supposedly educated individuals to accept these lies without confirming their legitimacy beforehand.

Rutgers professor Noura Erakat, who is on the short list of Green Party Jill Stein’s VP picks, shamelessly shared the fake poll on X with the caption “When you tell a society it has a right to commit genocide, surely they believe they have the right to rape.”

After it came to light that Al-Jazeera pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes again, Erakat failed to apologize but rather defended the Qatar-funded propaganda machine masquerading as a news network.

“Surely u understand how one would take this poll to be true in light of video of gang rape of a Palestinian detainee & Knesset + public debate on whether such rape should be ok. That is the disgrace,” Erakat wrote after deleting her original post.

Al Jazeera has a long history of biased and misleading reporting on Israel.

Most recently, the network eagerly reported on footage of an IDF canine attacking an elderly Arab woman in June. The IDF later revealed that Hamas terrorists had kidnapped the dog, staged the attack, and then killed and booby-trapped the animal’s body. A fact that apparently didn’t fit Al Jazeera’s preferred antisemitic narrative.

    טויבא בת לאה August 11, 2024 8:07 am


    Hudes August 11, 2024 8:12 am

    Al Jazeera: filthy, lying dogs!

    Anthony Gingell August 11, 2024 8:58 am

    The only solution is to send them out from Gaza.
    This media outlet it’s just inciting.

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