With deeply concerning demographic shifts jeopardizing Israel’s identity as the Jewish homeland, an ambitious global campaign is being launched to incentivize Diaspora Jewry to make Aliyah.

According to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, the proportion of Jewish citizens plunged by 0.3% to just 73.2% over the past year alone, continuing a decade-long trend that experts warn could see Jews outnumbered in the promised land within 10 years. As the Arab population ticks up 0.1% annually and ineligible immigrants further tilt the demographic scales through abuses of the Law of Return process, a demographic time bomb ticks toward midnight.

Recognizing this looming existential peril, agencies like Nefesh B’Nefesh, Birthright Israel, and others have kicked into high gear a global outreach blitz imploring Jews to strengthen their bonds with their ancestral homeland through Aliyah. From Europe to the Americas, these Aliyah agencies are stepping up efforts to host informational seminars, streamlining Aliyah logistics, and leveraging social media to broadcast the imperative of preempting a potential demographic doomsday.

For those whose ancestors dreamed and fought for a sovereign Jewish homeland to call their own, that vision again cries out to be reinforced. A new chapter of Aliyah can fortify Israel’s character as a bastion of democratic values and freedom amidst an antisemitic world.

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