As the sound of the shofar fills the air many Jews are packing their bags for Rosh Hashanah celebrations abroad.

However, this year’s travel landscape for Jewish globetrotters has shifted dramatically. A surge in antisemitism post October 7 has turned once-welcoming destinations into potential hotspots of extreme danger.

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Popular European holiday destinations like Paris, London, and Berlin now require extra caution. Travelers have been advised by Israel’s National Security Council (NSC) to keep a low profile due to risks of luring and kidnapping attempts.

“The growing threat and increase in terrorist activity against Israelis and Jews abroad is reflected in dozens of foiled attempted attacks targeting Israelis and Jews abroad, alongside several successful attacks, including those that took human life,” the NSC noted in a statement on Wednesday.

The Middle East, unsurprisingly, tops the list of high-risk areas. Countries like Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon are explicitly mentioned as no-go zones for Israeli citizens. Even traditionally safer destinations like Turkey and Egypt now carry increased risk.

With the High Holidays coinciding with the first anniversary of last year’s Hamas attack, security concerns are unsurprisingly at an all-time high. Security experts strongly advise against posting real-time updates or any content on social media that could identify travelers as Israeli or Jewish.

On a brighter note, many Jewish communities worldwide are rolling out the welcome mat. From Buenos Aires to Bangkok, travelers can find High Holiday services and pray alongside Jews from diverse backgrounds.

    Samuel Weisberger September 27, 2024 5:03 pm

    Right on Prime Minister


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