In a tragic turn of events, Shirel Golan, Z”L a survivor of the Nova massacre, took her own life today, on what should have been a day of celebration-her 22nd birthday. Shirel endured the unimaginable as she escaped a harrowing attack that claimed the lives of 11 of her friends. While fleeing in a packed car, an instinct compelled her to jump out and seek refuge in the woods, a decision that saved her life but left her friends behind.

For the past year, Shirel grappled with overwhelming survivor’s guilt and the debilitating effects of PTSD. Despite efforts to cope, the weight of her trauma proved insurmountable. By April of 2024 it was reported in the Knesset that over 50 of these precious survivors took their own lives because of what they saw and endured. That number has only increased since then. (Her family asked for this to be published.)

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May her memory be a blessing, and may we work to support those who continue to suffer in silence.

    Hudes October 21, 2024 9:35 am

    The horror of the savagery and slaughter perpetrated by the Arabs on innocent Israelis on October 7, 2023 will, tragically, leave an unending legacy of trauma, suffering and grief on Israel as well as on world Jewry, just as the European Holocaust continues to do. The world not only doesn’t care, but applauds. The world should go to hell.

    Pauline Golda M Ridgeway October 21, 2024 7:14 pm

    It is so tragic…..May her memory be a blessing

    K.L. October 21, 2024 7:47 pm

    It’s shocking and disturbing to read that so many Survivors of Nova have taken their lives. Shocking, but understandable, in that they bear a terrible burden. My heart goes out to their families. It makes me want to be available for all of them – the Survivors and their families.

    I agree with the other comment writer. It is with great disgust that I have witnessed the global reaction to October 7th and the subsequent, just war. We have many supporters, and for them, I am grateful. The media, academia, the corrupt UN, and too many global leaders (including Biden/Harris) have been completely shameful in their conduct re the war. They choose to support the worst evil on the planet, instead of supporting the only democracy in the Middle East. (Biden/Harris are still funding UNWRA and Iran amongst other things. The list is long).

    Seeing the reactions of the ignorant masses, must make it even harder for young Survivors to cope. Shame on those ignorant, uneducated, hateful people who support terrorists and ignore or legitimize, the autrocities of October 7th!!

    Kelly Moore October 22, 2024 11:03 am

    May her memory be a blessing to her family and friends forever. I pray for her family now that they will find the Peace of Yeshua.

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