A large majority of American voters blame Iran for Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel, a new poll conducted by Harvard University found this month.

According to the Harvard CAPS-Harris survey, nearly 75% of US voters believe that Iran is responsible for the attacks on Israel by Hamas on October 7. Considered to be the worst loss of life in a single day since Israel’s founding in 1948, Hamas terrorists killed over 1,200 civilians, and more than 240 people were taken hostage during the attack.

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Regarding Iran’s nuclear ambitions, a strong majority of the 2,000 voters surveyed, agree that Iran poses a global danger and should be prevented from obtaining nuclear weapons. While 80% of voters overall believe that Iran should not be allowed to have nuclear weapons, there is a noticeable division in the 18-24 age bracket.

This age group, often represented in American universities, is the most supportive of the Islamic Republic being allowed to have nuclear weapons (57%). In contrast, an overwhelming majority (96%) of the 65+ year-olds believe that Iran should be prevented from acquiring nuclear weapons by any means necessary.

The poll also examined voters’ opinions on NATO’s role in the conflict. Both Democrats and Republicans share a majority belief that NATO countries have a responsibility to support Israel against Iranian aggression, with 71% of Democrats and 68% of Republicans holding this view. When asked whether inviting Israel into the NATO alliance would deter further attacks by Iran, about 62% of Republicans and 63% of Democrats agreed that NATO should consider this action to prevent more attacks from Iran.

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