Pope Francis has once again stirred up controversy after attending a Saturday unveiling of a nativity scene featuring the infant Jesus wrapped in a keffiyeh.

Organized by the Palestine Liberation Organization’s Higher Presidential Committee for Church Affairs, the ceremony at Paul VI Hall saw the wheelchair-bound pontiff presiding over the display’s dedication alongside PLO executive committee member Ramzi Khouri.

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“Enough wars, enough violence,” said Pope Francis. “Let us remember the brothers and sisters who, instead, right there and in other parts of the world, are suffering from the tragedy of war. With tears in our eyes, let us raise our prayer for peace.”

In a carefully choreographed moment, two Arab children presented Francis with a “Star of Bethlehem” plaque bearing peace messages in Arabic and Latin, while Khouri seized the opportunity to praise what he characterized as the pope’s “tireless efforts” to end the war in Gaza. The PLO official also made sure to convey “warm greetings” from Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

Historians and Jewish leaders were quick to point out the display’s glaring historical revisionism. The notion of Jesus as Palestinian  is a modern political fabrication that ignores basic historical fact. Jesus was born a Jew in Judaea, lived as a Jew, and died as one under Roman rule. The term “Palestine” wouldn’t even exist in the region until Roman colonizers renamed Judaea long after Jesus’s crucifixion.

Sadly, under the guise of Christmas tradition the Vatican is now actively promoting a false narrative that serves Palestinian propaganda. It also comes just weeks after the pope sparked outrage by suggesting Israel’s defensive war in Gaza constitutes genocide.

“According to some experts what is happening in Gaza has the characteristics of a genocide. It should be carefully investigated to determine whether it fits into the technical definition formulated by jurists and international bodies.” reads an excerpt from the pontiff’s upcoming book ‘Hope never disappoints: Pilgrims towards a better world.’

    Anguri December 9, 2024 5:56 am

    The Pope is not more only “Advocate to the Devil”, but DOING the ANTICHRIST’S WORK!
    I relly wonder there is such a lack of condemning “this Time’s Protocol”
    Why are we so afraid telling Muslims they don’t serve any god, but Mohammad (the man: Qathem, son of dogs!)
    Should’nt the POPE be a shepherd and lead his church and EVEN LEAD MUSLIMS people to the right path, (the truth of JESUS, THE SAVIOUR !) instead of MISLEADING ALL OF THEM?
    Shouldn’t he not take a stand for JESUS TRUE IDENTITY?

    Gina Davidovna December 9, 2024 6:21 am

    Why don’t they just put Mary in a burka and have a figure of Mohammed holding his 7 year old wife’s hand trying to save Jesus from crucifixion? For full accuracy there should be a scene of Keffiyah clad Palestinians building the pyramids in Egypt. The pope should concern himself with the one true genocide- that of the fake ehinicity of Palestinians and raise money for suicide vests and toddler size kalishnikovs. He should go wash the feet of hard working Hamas rapists, and maybe get some info on where the hostages are. No need to speak of protecting Christians in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon or Egypt- its the death to all Jews crew he should be wheeled in his dementia to go pray for. Protect the murdereoust rapist Jihadists burning down Synagogues AND CHURCHES. For that will surely bring peace. 🤬🙄💀

    Kathy Sietner December 9, 2024 7:54 am

    I have never seen anything so disgusting as a pope being played to promote a false history of Judaism and Christianity. Jesus should’ve been wearing a yarmulke not a keffiyeh The pope has just lost all relevancy and all moral authority to the western world. Might as well have been canonizing Hitler

    shirley hess December 9, 2024 10:00 pm

    From now on I will continue to worship the Jewish Jesus, without the benefit of the Pope…I am a Roman Catholic but will have to evaluate where I go from here….

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