The Israeli doctor overseeing medical treatment for the four hostages heroically saved on Saturday has revealed the brutal torture they endured in Gaza.

“It was a harsh, harsh experience, with a lot of abuse, almost every day. Every hour, both physical, mental, and other types, and that is something that is beyond comprehension,” Dr. Itai Pessach of Sheba Medical Center told CNN. 

All four hostages exhibited signs of severe malnutrition from Hamas denying them adequate food and medical care.

“They had no protein, so their muscles are extremely wasted, and there is damage to some other systems because of that,” he said. “There have been periods where they got almost no food whatsoever.”

“There were other periods where it was a little better, but all in all, the combination of psychological stress, malnutrition, medical neglect, being limited to space, not seeing the sun, and all of the other things have a significant effect on health.”

Dr. Pessach, who also treated other hostages freed in November’s limited ceasefire deal, lamented that the mental anguish endured by these four reached levels of “breaking points” after their eight-month internment where all hope seemed lost.

He hopes that such depraved inhumanities inflicted upon the hostages should represent a wake-up call to any remaining voices still deluding themselves about Hamas’ supposed ideological purity. These are the actions of malignant war criminals intent on inflicting maximum cruelty against innocent people.

    Lara McRuer June 20, 2024 7:08 am

    I agree that the knowledge of “such depraved inhumanities” (daily mental, physical and spiritual torture beyond our ‘protected imagination) should be become a “wake up” cry that doesn’t stop. But it is not. Why? A primary reason In the US, is the barrage of methodical propaganda by the unethical, compromised greedy mainstream media. The ethics of journalism have been tossed aside for greed. For example, they wink at the ignorant “educated” protestors, while they feign shock at those carrying Nazi signs. No one questions the fact that the tents the protesters camp in are all the same, nor do they question the funding. There is no outrage expressed about those paying students, trying to get into their school or college yet are physically kept from their education by the protestors, as well as the administration. No one reports the incidents of violence suffered by the “Jewish” and some of the non Jewish anti-Hamas students as they attempt to go to school. Instead, they are told to stay home to be safe.
    In defining “mainstream media, I’m referring to those papers, journals and TV stations once trusted by many, which include PBS, NPR, the New York Times, just to mention a few. US citizens who have followed this JUST war in Israel since 10/7 must do more than we have. Those of us who are aware of the ongoing atrocities inflicted by Hamas and Hezbollah, as well as, knowledgeable about the constant barrage of rockets, missiles, etc., that Israel has been forced to endure frequently, without retaliation prior to that dreadful day, must do more than we have. I continuously bring up Israel to those I know and others I do not know, even in line at the grocery store. Trying to get people informed sometimes feels like one is speaking to a parrot. Their response sounds like CNN crawl sound bights.
    Yet one would believe that this long sought for glorious rescue of the hostages would make an impact, even into the densest mind. Please let me tell you why it didn’t: Within 3 days after the courageous and strategically brilliant rescue of the 4 hostages, our media shaped the viewers thoughts from elation and joy, back to the old “2 State Solution.”
    Day 1: The incredible, thrilling wonderful, heartwarming victorious rescue was reported. They aired or wrote the story during special prime times making it a prioritized report that most would hear. They even repeated it. Day 2: there was a little more coverage about the hostages with a few pictures of them being reunited with their families. Nothing was told about the soldiers or the courageous sacrifice. Instead, reports slipped into sighting questionable numbers of all the “civilians killed,” during the rescue, the word “genocide” and “poor starving Gazans” creeped into the story using the usual repetitive narrative, overshadowing the welfare of the hostages. No one questioned the fact that the entire neighborhood was complicit in holding the hostages. Day 3: devoted less than 5 minutes to the welfare of the rescued hostages. In fact most outlets made reference to the “good fortune” that these hostages had by being held by a doctor and a journalist’s “family!” The doctor’s concern for the sustained abuse, trauma, and physical consequences for the individual held all that time was not reported. The daring, courageous rescue story was dropped entirely, with the word “rescue” being replaced with “release!” It’s been “release” since then and I’ve heard those who know that this was a rescue and believe in Israel having complete victory in this war also use the word “release.” It’s not that they believe that, but it’s a frightening example of just how deep this repetitive propaganda can make it’s way into the public’s subconscious. .
    If anyone is wondering about my reasons for writing this lengthy comment, it’s really simple. I am hoping that we can begin a new strategy to attempt to inform more people. It’s past time to begin to place as much pressure as possible on all forms of the mainstream media. We can feel fortunate that we are informed and try to get more people to sites like this and others. Yet, we forget just how many will not go to these other means of finding the truth. So how do we get the facts to them in an impactful way. We need more people to have air time on these stations. We need to barrage them with letters, emails, and organized protests or large gatherings of people who peacefully demand that the media report the truth. We need to overwhelm their sponsors with the same. I’m sure many have other ideas. We haven’t effectively attacked those who feed the public constant lies. By getting to their sponsors might make an impact. And we need to continue to find other methods to get the facts out and repeat them over and over again…using the enemies tactics of, “repeat something long enough and people believe it.” The difference is that we will repeat the truth. I am more than willing to help organize and participate in any of the above or other ideas people may have to impact change. Once there is enough US publicly expressed and reported outrage, prior to the upcoming elections, it might force the current administration to follow the order and provide the needed weapons to Israel. We must do more.

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