The Biden administration is reportedly considering negotiating unilaterally with Hamas to secure the release of American hostages held in Gaza.

According to NBC News, citing four US officials, Biden has discussed cutting out Israel entirely from Qatari-mediated talks aimed at freeing the 5 American civilians captured by Hamas during last year’s unprovoked October 7 assault that killed over 1,200 civilians and saw 250 innocents taken as hostages.

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But rather than recoiling at such a prospect, the sources suggest that Biden is motivated to capitulate to terrorists in order to exert “pressure” on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.

For an administration that claims to watch over Israel’s back, signaling any openness to negotiate with Hamas while freezing out Israel would be a slap to America’s most reliable ally in the region. 

Critics argue that any outreach that could legitimize Hamas on the international stage would violate the US government’s own democratic values. This is the very same extremist group that Washington itself designated as a terrorist organization in 1997 for its doctrine of killing civilians, rejecting Israel’s existence, and imposing despotic rule through fear.

The White House has not commented as of yet on the allegations.

    Adi June 10, 2024 2:04 pm

    Is he stupid or just old and senile I’m confused

    Michele Locker June 10, 2024 2:12 pm

    This is isn’t Biden, he’s not capable. This is his people.

    Miry Rabinovitch June 10, 2024 2:15 pm

    He is nothing. It is Obama Soros and the rest of the secret cabal.

    Raph Gershon June 10, 2024 2:17 pm

    Old / senile and stupid are NOT mutually exclusive … as proven by the case at hand

    Jack Sprat June 10, 2024 2:18 pm

    He’s Obama’s puppet, and is simply acting Obaminably.

    Peter June 10, 2024 2:19 pm

    Well actually, your question doesn’t allow for further possibilities, it could be that he is stupid, old, senile, confused about many things, however one thing does seem to clear and that is in the spirit of his mentor, Obama, if you have the opportunity to level the playing field regarding Israel, take it.

    Yusuf June 10, 2024 2:24 pm

    Joe Biden is brilliant, more exactly savvy. What an outside the box politician. He wants a hostage release deal NOW. His poll numbers depend on it. Any deal. If Netanyahu won’t release enough terrorist prisinors who will murder again and have Hamas become even more popular and deadly, Biden still needs a deal to have the Big Media endlessly portray and parade him as a hero and miricle worker, doing the nearly impossible, and get away with it most worthy of re-election. Can he bribe Hamas to release American citizens and take credit? I bet yes! And make Netanyahu look bad as icing on his cupcake.

    Bee June 10, 2024 2:24 pm

    You can fool some of the people some of the time. But not all of the people all of the time. We know who is really running America, as from the comments above. To do with the New World Order and who wants to be in total power.

    Phil Raimi June 10, 2024 2:29 pm

    He so disgusts me and every loyal Zionist on this earth. Our moronic libtard Jewish brothers and sisters will still vote for him overwhelmingly in November, all evidence to the contrary. He’ll do anything to sell out Israel for votes in Dearborn MI and Minneapolis, with Obama and Soros pulling the strings. Anyone who believed him in October when he had Israel’s back “Full Stop” was a moron to believe that. Some of us recognized that once the political cost became too high, he’d stick a knife in Israel’s back and abandon it. Menachem Begin recognized this about Biden back in 1982 and called him on it. They’re driven by the belief that “anyone is better than Trump” and remain diehard DemonRats.

    Alexis June 10, 2024 2:33 pm

    I really don’t see how it’s a bad thing for the US president to negotiate for the release of US citizens. All countries of hostages that are dual citizens should be doing this and apart from Russia for ONE hostage, none of them have been even though hostage families have begged the leaders of these other countries for help. They should be fighting for the release of their citizens and so should POTUS for American citizens (even if they’re also Israeli citizens). The leaders of countries have a responsibility to their citizens; something that the governments have not been doing.

    Pascalinah Phoofolo June 10, 2024 2:57 pm

    It doesn’t really matter who’s behind this! God hasn’t said that in His Word and that’s what matters. The whole world combined can never defeat Israel. God owns Israel and whether fools are members of the cabal or not it makes no difference! The God of Israel reigns and rules forever and ever, and whoever touches Israel touches the apple of His Eye. Zech.2:8

    Steve June 10, 2024 3:43 pm

    He has absolutely nothing to offer except money and maybe more humanitarian aid which Hamas really doesn’t care about, how will that work for him? It’s probably all BS.

    Channah June 10, 2024 4:48 pm

    Biden should just take off his clothes and walk around buck naked trying to convince the public by talking about “ the president/ emperor’s new clothes. “

    That would be just as believable as his last ditch attempt to be presidential and win 2024.

    Mason R. June 10, 2024 11:25 pm

    People forget that it’s Obaden in Casa Blanca (WH) who is running things.

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