Hiding under civilian buildings in an underground bunker in Beirut, more than 20 terror operatives of different ranks were eliminated along with Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah on Friday. Among the notable casualties were Ibrahim Hussein Jazini, who led Nasrallah’s personal security; Samir Tawfiq Dib, a longtime strategist for terrorist operations; Abed al-Amir Muhammad Sablini, the chief of Hezbollah’s strategic force development; and Ali Naaf Ayoub, who orchestrated missile operations against Israel.

At the time of the attack, Nasrallah and his cronies were allegedly preparing for a deadly assault against the Jewish State. At least fifteen 2,000-pound munitions using American-made precision guidance systems were said to be used in the operation.

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Speculation has been rife over how Israel discovered Hezbollah’s leader’s secret location in the first place.

One shocking report by Saudi Arabian based AlHadath indicates that an Iranian spy furnished crucial details about Nasrallah’s whereabouts. The spy allegedly transferred a traceable chemical substance during a handshake at some point with the Hezbollah leader. Within two minutes of entering his underground lair, Israeli pilots received strike orders under operation codenamed “New Order.”

Meanwhile,a short clip by Lebanese media has been going viral purportedly showing the moment Hezbollah Leader Nasrallah’s body was recovered from the blast site. According to Reuters, the fallen tyrant’s body remained intact and had no direct wounds, suggesting the cause of death was blunt trauma from the force of the blast. Earlier reports suggest that the space where he was found had poor air circulation, enabling noxious fumes from the bombardment to infiltrate, which led to his suffocation.

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