A shocking new survey reveals that American Jews are living in fear in the wake of the October 7 Hamas-led massacre against southern Israel.

In a stark sign of the times, the American Jewish Committee’s survey shows a staggering 42% of Jews reported feeling unsafe displaying their Jewish identity, such as kippahs or tzitzit, out in public in the months since the war began. Over a quarter, 27%, even feel unsafe setting foot in a synagogue or Jewish community center.

The specter of fear is taking a heavy toll, with 13% of American Jews saying they have lost friends due to disagreements over the war, and 12% ending relationships after the other person expressed anti-Jewish views. Nearly half, 45%, feel they can no longer safely share their views on Israel on social media.

Alarmingly, the survey found that 7% of American Jews have considered fleeing the country entirely to escape rising anti-Jewish hate. Among younger Jews aged 18-29, that number skyrockets to a blood-curdling 11%. When meeting someone new, more than 1 in 4 Jews now choose to hide their Jewish identity altogether out of fear.

Sadly, the age-old scourge of antisemitism is alive and well, casting an increasingly dark shadow over Jewish life in the United States. In defining evidence, over 80% of participants said intimidation and violence against Jews is a growing problem in America today.

With antisemitism reaching a fever pitch, it falls on America’s leaders to take a stand. Yet while 55% say President Joe Biden would be better at combating Jew-hatred compared to a mere 20% for Donald Trump, nearly half of American Jews disapprove of how Biden is handling the Gaza war.

    Young Bruce June 10, 2024 6:22 pm

    Buy guns and prepare

    Andre R June 10, 2024 6:38 pm

    As a jew I am stunned so many of my tribe are incapable of seeing the Lie that is biden vs the truth that is Trump. Jews have been embracing the party of the kkk and segregation and yet look to them for racial justice and fairness in their treatment. Fools all and now paying the price. Go ahead, sick with schumer for stupid is a s stupid does.

    Shawn June 10, 2024 8:13 pm

    @andre r it has nothing to do with who’s in power. The hearts of kings are in the hand of God. Remember, many Jews voted Hitler into power because he seemed the best option and then made all his policies antisemitic and instigated the genocide of the Jews.

    Andre R June 10, 2024 8:36 pm

    Yes, as I said, stupid is as stupid does and those who you set in power reflects the accumulated wisdom of the people at the time. Sad to say but what remains of the twelve tribes residing in america votes consistently above 75% for the party of schumer, nadler, raskin, schiff and other misguided jews. I know the role G_d plays in all things, including politics and I am pretty sure he could not be more disappointed in his chosen people. I guess I should take solace in the fact that according to the above article only 55 percent think biden is better for the jews than trump. Clearly some of the 75% who voted biden have had a “come to Jesus” moment. Hope springs eternal.

    Ira June 10, 2024 8:56 pm

    Sorry guys, but those Jews that say Biden would be better at combatting Jew-hatred, are OUT OF THEIR MINDS!!!!!!!!!! HE HAS DONE ABSOLUTELY BABKAS ABOUT COMBATING WHAT WE ALL ARE GOING THROUGH!!!!!!!!! I’ve heard him once say a one line sentence about antisemitism and that’s it!!!!! And my opinion is he’s an anti-Semite as was/is his previous boss……..Obama the anti-Semite!!!!!!!!!

    Channah June 11, 2024 12:38 am

    Hussein Mubarak Obama is his full unabridged name. Do I need to say more ?

    When Biblical Joseph was the Minister of Egypt Appointed by Pharaoh to save the economy of Ancient Egypt following a 7 year draught and famine, Israelites were welcome, and Joseph’s father ,Jacob and all his sons descended from Israel to live in the province of Goshen in Egypt. There they were rich and proliferated. Then one day, a new Pharaoh arose “ who knew them not”. Enslaved them, and massacred the new born babies to bathe in their blood. Their tiny bodies used as mortar between the great stones of the pyramids. An entire nation , once prosperous now enslaved. Wake up American Jews. Israel is waiting with open arms for her children to come home.

    Brown June 11, 2024 2:58 am

    It is most encouraging to note the last statement made by Channah . It is worth repeating, “Wake up American Jews. Israel is waiting with open arms for her children to come home. ” This is an echo of The Truth. Read Isaiah 52:11-12. Fear not! Be bold, be brave, be courageous!!! Blessings to all who uphold The Truth!!!

    Wake America June 11, 2024 10:51 am

    I lost my Job from a major US Bank (Citi – no Shame to name the employer) after more than years of commendation, and promotions. I started reporting Months before October 7th to a new Director ‘Ahmed’ who had find out, I was Jewish (given that I was taking Jewish Holidays as time off..etc). The relationship, which started very professional turned around 180 degrees after October 7th. The blatant attacks..etc…I was cut off from the team, in Q1 2024. Of Course HR ignored it.

    WakeUpAmerica June 11, 2024 10:52 am

    I lost my Job from a major US Bank (Citi – no Shame to name the employer) after more than years of commendation, and promotions. I started reporting Months before October 7th to a new Director ‘Ahmed’ who had find out, I was Jewish (given that I was taking Jewish Holidays as time off..etc). The relationship, which started very professional turned around 180 degrees after October 7th. The blatant attacks..etc…I was cut off from the team, in Q1 2024. Of Course HR ignored it.

    WakeUpAmerica June 11, 2024 10:52 am

    I lost my Job from a major US Bank (Citi – no Shame to name the employer) after more than years of commendation, and promotions. I started reporting Months before October 7th to a new Director ‘Ahmed’ who had find out, I was Jewish (given that I was taking Jewish Holidays as time off..etc). The relationship, which started very professional turned around 180 degrees after October 7th. The blatant attacks..etc…I was cut off from the team, in Q1 2024. Of Course HR ignored it.

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