After Israel was officially included in the UN blacklist of “countries that kill children” on Friday alongside terrorist organizations like ISIS, Al-Qaueda and Boko Haram, Israel’s ambassador Gilad Erdan received the official notification from UN Secretary-General António Guterres and responded to the shameful decision, saying that Israel’s army is the most moral in the world and that the only one being blacklisted is the Secretary-General who incentivizes and encourages terrorism and is motivated by hatred towards Israel.
Listen to the choice words he had for the UN Secretary General.
Well spoken Mr.Ambassador
The world is under the Hamas, like a rat under the shit. Jews are 0.2% of the world population. Israel has been fighting since its first hours of independence. Women are a very top portion of the population in the army by serving 24 months of military service. They bring with themselves the capacity, the intelligence and the force of our moms. Which country has the courage and the determination of Israel around the world? 76 years of existence and being so powerful means something to me and to anyone in the world: Israel will not give up ! Am Israel Hay! I am a Jewish born in Morocco, an Arab country we are on love with. I will never forget my Morrocan Friends! They are my sisters and brothers. I traveled to Israel since 1968. I have always been attracted by oriental people, Jews or Arabs. But the worst seed of the Palestinian people is the fate they have in death. We, Jews, are a Life lovers. Could Cold and Hot be mixed every second together without any pain? I must be interrogative. Our blood is red. Arab and Jewish have the same image: G°d’s image. We have feelings. We have compassion. But it seems no for Palestinian people. We need to be clarified. Sincerely.
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