An IDF Oketz K9 was killed by terrorists in northern Gaza, nearly resulting in the deaths of the unit’s human soldiers.

The incident came to light following the release of misleading footage by Al-Jazeera, who released a video of the dog “attacking” an elderly Gazan woman who was in bed in what seems to be a propaganda video.

IDF paratroopers had sent the dog to search a building in Jabalia, Gaza. When the dog didn’t return the soldiers eventually used a drone to locate it. The drone eventually spotted the dog inside a building, revealing terrorists had killed it and planted explosives under its body. The soldiers safely neutralized the charges and respectfully removed the dog’s body.

Gaza terrorists frequently set booby traps to kill Israeli soldiers, including triggerless grenades under abandoned rifles. The Oketz Unit has lost 30 K9 fighters in the Gaza war. A senior officer highlighted the unit’s pioneering role in using dogs for detecting explosives and terrorists.

    Karen Hechtman June 28, 2024 4:44 pm

    So sad

    Anguri Xara June 28, 2024 5:05 pm

    corrupted media – and LIES, LIES, LIES – Poor dog (s) and his (their) LEADER (s) <3

    Josefina Guerrero June 30, 2024 7:32 pm

    Lamentable lo que sucede, el Señor les dé su merecido y salga a la luz todas sus trampas, peligros y engaños. 🇮🇱🇮🇱🙏🏻🙏🏻🇵🇪🇵🇪

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