Irish singer Andrew Hozier sparked a concert walkout last week after he spewed anti-Israel venom, accusing the Jewish state of “genocide” against Arabs.

Despite portraying his unsolicited comments as a supposed “call for peace,” the Grammy-nominated artist didn’t mince words, expressing solidarity solely with Hamas while demonizing Israel as perpetrating “violence” and “indiscriminate bombing” against civilians.

“We wouldn’t want to see anybody subjected to the kind of violence…the kind of assault in Rafah’s face and the genocide and violence,” Hozier ranted ahead of performing his hit “Nina Cried Power” at Friday’s Forest Hills Stadium in New York City.

Echoing antisemitic blood libels, Hozier condemned the US for “enabling that kind of war” with its financial support for Israel’s self-defensive operations against Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists.

Inevitably, the tirade provoked an intense backlash from portions of Hozier’s fanbase who simply sought to enjoy the musical entertainment they paid for – not to be subjected to Nazi rhetoric.

“F–k you Hozier!” one particularly outraged attendee shouted before storming out with others, according to the Irish Times.

Online, the reaction was similarly split between fans cheering Hozier for his “courage” in promoting Hamas propaganda and those repulsed by his obvious anti-Israel animosity.

“The way he just f—–g says it – no skirting around the issue with flowery language…actually says ‘Palestine’ – just gets to the core of it,” one Reddit fan gushed about the unadulterated Jew-hatred. “Ok now Hozier is my favorite singer of all time. Takes a lot of courage to say that,” chimed in another supporter.

In reality, regurgitating this vile brand of anti-Israel defamation in front of primed audiences requires precisely zero courage. It requires only the bottomless cynicism and open bigotry inherent to some cultural elites constantly seeking fresh frontiers of outrage.

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