Iran’s hardline President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian were among those killed in a helicopter crash on Sunday.

The crash occurred while the officials were returning from a ceremony for the opening of a dam on Iran’s border with Azerbaijan. While the cause of the accident is pending investigation, the treacherous weather conditions are believed to have played a significant role. In a clear attempt to garner sympathy for the brutal regime, state broadcasters on Monday are airing Islamic prayers between newscasts and are calling for a day of mourning.

According to the Iranian propaganda outlet Sepah, the other passengers included three crew members, the governor of Eastern Azerbaijan province, an imam, Raisi’s head of security, and a bodyguard. Raisi, a notorious figure with a bloody past, had been a key player in the Islamic Republic’s oppressive apparatus long before his ascent to the presidency.

As a young cleric, Raisi served on the infamous “Death Commission” that oversaw the execution of thousands of political prisoners in the late 1980s. His ruthless campaign of terror solidified Raisi’s reputation as a merciless enforcer of the regime’s will, earning him the moniker “The Butcher of Tehran.”

Raisi’s rise to power in 2021 was a sham election, orchestrated by the Islamic Republic’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to consolidate his grip on the nation. The president’s ultraconservative views and loyalty to the regime made him the perfect puppet for Khamenei’s authoritarian agenda.

During his tenure, Raisi oversaw a vicious crackdown on dissent, deploying the regime’s security forces to crush any opposition. The brutal suppression of demonstrations in 2022 showcased the depths of his cruelty; demonstrators were met with live ammunition, mass arrests, and torture.

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