The Biden administration’s much-hyped Gaza aid pier is proving to be quite an expensive disaster.

Beachgoers at Tel Aviv’s Frishman Beach on Saturday discovered engraved metal panels belonging to the temporary pier, manufactured by a company in Louisiana according to the U.S. patent numbers. Civic inspectors collected the scraps, which were then transferred to the Israel Police and IDF, according to Channel 12 News.

Biden’s humanitarian pier was purportedly meant to facilitate the delivery of relief by bypassing the need to facilitate with Hamas. However, plagued by mechanical breakdowns, security lapses, and logistical issues since its May rollout, Gaza’s aid pier has reportedly only been fully operational for just 12 days.

In that limited timespan, just 4,100 tons of food and other aid have successfully been distributed, which is less than half the volume that typically crossed via land routes before the Gaza war began.

Rather than securing genuine relief for Arabs stuck under Hamas oppression, the White House appears more focused on the optics of being seen delivering assistance, considering most of the humanitarian supplies reportedly remain stuck on the beach in a marshaling area due to a lack of basic security precautions.

After its laborious construction involving over 1,000 American troops and naval assets, the project’s costs nearly doubled from initial estimates of $230 million to $320 million due to the challenges involved in constructing and operating the pier in a war-torn region. All at immense cost to American taxpayers already reeling from inflation under the Biden administration’s economic policies.

    Channah June 25, 2024 12:48 am

    Biden slogan for 2024 : Make America Waste Again!

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