Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has chosen to align itself on the wrong side of history by endorsing South Africa’s allegations of “genocide” against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

“Given the failure of the Israeli government to comply with the request of the International Court of Justice to stop the war, and in support of respect for international law and the United Nations, we intervene in the procedure initiated by South Africa,” Sanchez said on Monday.

“Spain is going to stay on the right side of history,” he forcefully added.

Clearly not.

Last year, the disgraced South African government opened a case at the ICJ, absurdly claiming Israel has violated the Genocide Convention through its legitimate military operations.

Spain, a country that should know better given its own violent history of antisemitism, has chosen to pander to a group of mostly developing countries, including Libya and Mexico, in supporting South Africa’s malicious petition.

Israel has forcefully rejected this blood libel, noting its actions were triggered by the October 7 Hamas attack on southern Israel that brutally murdered around 1,200 innocents and took 250 hostages back to Gaza.

Despite the clear facts, the hopelessly compromised ICJ has repeatedly demanded Israel immediately halt its acts of “genocide.” Sanchez’s support for the ICJ’s war of condemnation against Israel will not be easily forgotten nor will his nefarious decision to prematurely recognize a Palestinian state in May.

    ged July 2, 2024 4:27 am

    Pedro doesn’t know history, plainly.

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