The United Arab List (Ra’am) has once again sparked outrage after it accused the IDF of committing “war crimes” in Gaza.

“The killing of innocents in any place in the world, from any religion, is considered a crime which has no forgiveness,” Ra’am leader Mansour Abbas said in a statement on Wednesday.

“What is happening in the Gaza Strip, and in general the starvation of women and children, and the cutting off of humanitarian aid for them, in addition to the bombing of hospitals and mosques, are considered war crimes punishable under international law.”

However, Ra’am’s accusations are not only baseless but also hypocritical, given their silence on the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7. Hamas has a long history of using human shields, storing weapons in civilian areas, and indiscriminately launching rockets at Israeli cities, all while diverting humanitarian aid and resources meant for the people of Gaza.

Ra’am, which holds four seats in the Knesset, has repeatedly threatened to withdraw from the government if Israel takes any steps to assert its control over the Temple Mount, a site sacred to both Jews and Muslims. Abbas has also expressed support for the “right of return” for Arab refugees, a move that would effectively end Israel’s existence as a Jewish state.

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